Practice Areas


DUI is a serious misdemeanor in Georgia. A conviction for DUI can include license suspension and possible jail time. If you are looking for a DUI Lawyer, Corey Washington, Esq. at the The Washington Process Law Firm can help.

Because a DUI charge can cause anyone great anxiety, you need someone who is knowledgeable and reliable. You need a DUI lawyer who knows the laws involving DUI. Mr. Washington is a former DUI prosecutor and represents clients accused of DUI all over the Atlanta, GA area. He is dedicated to protecting your freedom, your driver’s license, and reputation as he guides you through the DUI process.

If you would like to discuss your DUI arrest with an experienced Atlanta DUI defense lawyer, contact The Washington Process Law Firm for a free consultation for your DUI case.

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Criminal Defense

On any given day, you can be accused or charged with a crime that you will need representation on. Corey Washington, Esq. will be able to understand the challenges and difficulties that you will face from these charges. An example of cases that he can provide services for are:

  • Drug Offenses
  • Property Offenses
  • Public Intoxication
  • Record Restriction
  • Theft Offenses
  • Traffic Infractions
  • Domestic Violence Offense

If you would like to discuss your arrest with an experienced Atlanta defense lawyer, contact The Washington Process Law Firm for a free consultation for your criminal case.

Personal Injury

Injuries that arise from accidents can cause a dramatic and permanent impact on your life. You may face medical bills, lost income from taking time off of work, or even a lost of a life. While nothing can make up for those circumstances, Corey Washington, Esq. can help financially secure your future. Mr. Washington and The Washington Process Law Firm will fight tirelessly to make sure that his clients get everything they deserve. Cases that The Washington Process Law Firm can provide services on are:

  • Brain Injuries
  • Car Accidents
  • Slip and Fall Accidents
  • Truck Accidents
  • Wrongful Death 

If you would like to discuss your accident or injury caused by someone else with an experienced Atlanta personal injury lawyer, contact The Washington Process Law Firm for a free consultation for your personal injury case.

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